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Arolo Tifar was accepted as part of the Rotation Energy Medicine Extravaganza organized by the Integrative Medicine Department at the University of Arizona. Pamela attended this event three times while living in Tucson.

Letter from the University of Arizona, December 3, 2009

Letter from the University of Arizona, May 24, 2009

Letter from the Medical Students


For testimonials from clients who have received an Arolo Tifar treatment with Pamela, please click here.


Pamela collaborated with several physicians on cases that were difficult to diagnose. To read a letter of recommendation from one of them, please click here.


Pamela is a trained clinical research healer. She participated in a 3 month scientific experiment aimed at the validation of long distance energetic healings. For more information and the results, please click here.

Scientific Research to Validate
Long-Distance Energetic Healings

Abstract #37

TITLE: Replication and Extension of Effects of Energy Healing on Plant Longevity

AUTHOR(S): Connor, M., Tau, G. and Ford, J.

Purpose: Extension of initial studies presented in December of 2007 to determine whether distant energy healing could increase the longevity of plant leaves.

Materials and Methods: Initial study materials included: Energy practitioners from 10 disciplines, two “Scindapsus Aures” plants, timer controlled full spectrum lighting, moisture controlled and timed food release soil, pots, moisture and light meter measurement.

Extension included: Energy practitioners from 10 disciplines, geranium, rhododendron and Japanese privet plants.

Three 10-minute distance healings per day. All other measures remained the same.

Leafs were detached above the curved attachment to stem and were not expected to root.

Leafs were matched in pairs as closely as possible for the amount of light reaching the leaf, placement, color, health, size and stem length.

Dry weights were taken at start, at ten-day intervals and on the death of any leaf. Photographs were taken daily.

All leaves received the same light, moisture and food.

Practitioners did three daily 10-minute healings for 60 days on active leafs.

Paired control and baseline leaves did not receive any energy.

Results: Initial studies demonstrated 100% of the treated leaf's survived past 90 days with 4 rooting. 89% control leafs died by day 17. 99% of baseline leafs dead by day 34.

Extension results will be presented at the research symposium.

Conclusion: Longevity increased over baseline in leafs provided with healing energy. Leaves continued to take up fluids, maintain or gain weight and several rooted.

Acknowledgements: Grant funding provided by Canyon Ranch, Tucson , AZ for initial study. Special thanks to Dr. Gary Schwartz and the Laboratory for Advances in Consciousness and Health at the University of Arizona .

Bio: Melinda H. Connor, D.D., Ph.D., AMP has been a healer in professional practice since 1987. . Dr. Connor received her training as a research scientist at the University of Arizona under Dr. Andrew Weil, Dr. Iris Bell and Dr. Gary E. Schwartz. Currently a member of the teaching staff for the Integrative Energy Healing certificate program at Langara College in Vancouver , Canada , Dr. Connor is the CEO of Optimal Healing Research and has a private healing practice in Arizona .

PDF File: https://www.issseemscience.org/uploads/1/2/0/8/120834495/issseem_science_2010.pdf



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