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"Pamela Field has dedicated her life to the theme she describes. She has traveled throughout the world in search of knowledge, she has participated in ceremonies, she has learned from masters of different traditions, she has offered innumerable workshops and conferences, she has lived, reflected and synthesized. The Woman Who Dreams Herself is read with utmost pleasure. It is a mixture of passion and conviction, compassion and humor."

Ándres Ibañez, Novelist and Book Critic for ABC, Madrid , Spain


"Dear Pamela,
Your book sounds great. I love the topic and I see light all around it. I send my prayers for you and your marvelous book."

Marianne Williamson, Author of
"A Woman's Worth" (A comment based upon the synopsis of Pamela's book)


For more reviews, click here.


Why am I Here?

A Guide to Fulfilling Your Life Plan

This book has three main purposes:

  1. To assist the reader with clarifying his/her passion, talent and gift to the world.
  2. To support the reader with organizing his/her ideas, information and goals into a "business plan" to fulfill their dream.
  3. To enable the reader to identify possible obstacles to success and provide tools to release them.

Before you begin reading this book, Pamela strongly suggests that you buy a notebook to keep at your side while reading. There will be questions, explorations and clarifications that should be written down in order to receive the full benefit of this book. When you have finished reading this book your notebook will serve as a guide to continue supporting you. It will help to keep you focused with a clear plan aimed at achieving your goals and manifesting your dreams.

This book has received a blessing from Thubten Wangchen, Tibetan Buddhist monk and director of Casa del Tíbet Foundation in Barcelona:

"I hope and wish that Pamela Anne Field has great success with this new book “Why am I here? A Guide to Fulfilling Your Life Plan.” A book that invites reflection, and has the motivation of helping each person to discover their best version. I appreciate Pamela's commitment to the environment and her proposal to contribute to creating a fairer, more equable and happier society. I also share the principle that individual efforts for a better world make a difference. May her words touch the hearts and consciences of as many people as possible. With my deepest wish that all of you are filled with peace of mind, happiness, harmony, encouragement and health. Never give up!"

E-book (pdf):


Free the Past, Heal the Future

A method and guide for releasing ancestral trauma



Is it possible to achieve happiness when many of our ancestors were accustomed to suffering? Can we reach prosperity if our grandfathers and grandmothers have been conditioned for mere survival?

The purpose of Free the Past, Heal the Future is to provide an energetic and holistic healing method focused on releasing traumas inherited from members of our maternal and paternal lineage. The information and methods presented herein are a complement to all existing healing modalities. This book also presents research on the trans-generational inheritance of trauma, descriptions of individual healing sessions performed by Pamela, preventive health measures and more. It is easy to read and offers practical suggestions, information and methods.

To view a synopsis of the book, please click here.

E-book (pdf):


The Woman Who Dreams Herself

A Guide for Awakening the Feminine

The suffragette movement beginning in the mid-1800's and the feminist movement beginning in the 1960's mark two periods of time in which women radically changed (and are changing) the world we live in. Pamela believes that the present times mark yet another equally significant period for women. This time the objective is to understand and embrace the essence of the feminine. This will restore a much needed balance on an individual, societal and planetary level.

The Woman Who Dreams Herself is a combination of discoveries made during fifteen years of leading women’s workshops, emotional and psychological patterns revealed during hundreds of individual healing sessions and a personal exploration of the feminine. It is extremely important at this time, for women to unite for mutual exploration, support and healing. This book may serve as a guide for such gatherings.

A prophecy told by a Grandmother of the Seneca people explains the task at hand: "Heal the women. Then the women can heal the men, and then together they can heal the earth."

The purpose of this book is to contribute towards healing the women. To read a synopsis of the book, please click here.

E-book (pdf):


© ralph zurmühle and pamelafield.com 2011